Clear out old habits and negative emotions and reprogram for success.

How I Work

I have a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from the University of California at San Francisco. I am a certified Medical Hypnotherapist and Brain Health Coach.

During my 20+ years working with thousands of clients, I have refined my techniques to create the most efficient and long lasting changes in my clients brains, thoughts, and behaviors.  This work has culminated in the development of the step by step technique called rREST, rapid Reprogramming of Emotional Stress Technique.

rREST sessions as a core part of the overall coaching program have allowed my clients  to get consistently positive results with the issues that have been stopping them.  I work with clients in my confidential office setting as well as virtually in their own private zoom room.

Most clients need between six to ten sessions to fully eliminate their negative mental patterns and to replace them with positive patterns. Whether you choose  the Executive Coaching Program or the Personal Power Package I want to understand your goals and the obstacles holding you back.  Then we will get to work releasing you from your mental and emotional obstacles and training your brain rest into your greatness.

If you would like to learn more about how I can help you, call me at 650-704-1252 or fill out the contact form.

Release the Loving Genius Within You.